As a Dalhart native, Danette Encinias became a realtor in 2007 and continues to be a member in good standing of the National Association of Realtors, the Texas Association of Realtors, and the Dalhart Board of Realtors.
Danette has experience representing both sellers and buyers. As one of those, you will benefit from Danette’s keen attention to detail, her tenacity in seeing your transaction through to completion, and her extreme professionalism in helping you accomplish your real estate goals.
Like all of the realtors at Top of Texas Real Estate, Danette has taken an oath to subscribe to a stringent, enforceable Code of Ethics with Standards of Practice that promote the fair, ethical and honest treatment of all parties in a transaction. It is an oath to which Danette strictly adheres while serving the real estate needs of her clients.
For assistance, please contact Danette at 806-679-9317.
P.O. Box 352, 219 E. 7th Street
Dalhart, TX 79022
"You give so much of yourself in the kindness you show & the lives you touch. That's why you deserve a heartfelt "thank you" & a wish that all the goodness you share comes back to you. Without(...)